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HomeIOS DevelopmentOperating duties in parallel - The.Swift.Dev.

Operating duties in parallel – The.Swift.Dev.

Having the ability to run duties in parallel is sweet, it may well velocity up issues for positive when you may make the most of a number of CPU cores, however how can we truly implement these sort of operations in Swift? 🤔

There are a number of methods of working parallel operations, I had an extended article in regards to the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) framework, there I defined the variations between parallelism and concurrency. I additionally demonstrated find out how to arrange serial and concurrent dispatch queues, however this time I would prefer to focus a bit extra on duties, employees and jobs.

Think about that you’ve got an image which is 50000 pixel large and 20000 pixel lengthy, that is precisely one billion pixels. How would you alter the colour of every pixel? Properly, we might do that by iterating by every pixel and let one core do the job, or we might run duties in parallel.

The Dispatch framework affords a number of methods to unravel this situation. The primary answer is to make use of the concurrentPerform operate and specify some variety of employees. For the sake of simplicity, I will add up the numbers from zero to 1 billion utilizing 8 employees. 💪

import Dispatch

let employees: Int = 8
let numbers: [Int] = Array(repeating: 1, rely: 1_000_000_000)

var sum = 0
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: employees) { index in
    let begin = index * numbers.rely / employees
    let finish = (index + 1) * numbers.rely / employees
    print("Employee #(index), objects: (numbers[start..<end].rely)")

    sum += numbers[start..<end].scale back(0, +)

print("Sum: (sum)")

Cool, however nonetheless every employee has to work on various numbers, perhaps we should not begin all the employees without delay, however use a pool and run solely a subset of them at a time. That is fairly a straightforward activity with operation queues, let me present you a primary instance. 😎

import Basis

let employees: Int = 8
let numbers: [Int] = Array(repeating: 1, rely: 1_000_000_000)

let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 4

var sum = 0
for index in 0..<employees {
    let operation = BlockOperation {
        let begin = index * numbers.rely / employees
        let finish = (index + 1) * numbers.rely / employees
        print("Employee #(index), objects: (numbers[start..<end].rely)")
        sum += numbers[start..<end].scale back(0, +)


print("Sum: (sum)")

Each of the examples are above are extra ore much less good to go (if we glance by at attainable knowledge race & synchronization), however they rely on extra frameworks. In different phrases they’re non-native Swift options. What if we might do one thing higher utilizing structured concurrency?

let employees: Int = 8
let numbers: [Int] = Array(repeating: 1, rely: 1_000_000_000)

let sum = await withTaskGroup(of: Int.self) { group in
    for i in 0..<employees {
        group.addTask {
            let begin = i * numbers.rely / employees
            let finish = (i + 1) * numbers.rely / employees
            return numbers[start..<end].scale back(0, +)

    var abstract = 0
    for await outcome in group {
        abstract += outcome
    return abstract

print("Sum: (sum)")

Through the use of activity teams you may simply setup the employees and run them in parallel by including a activity to the group. Then you may await the partial sum outcomes to reach and sum every part up utilizing a thread-safe answer. This strategy is nice, however is it attainable to restrict the utmost variety of concurrent operations, similar to we did with operation queues? 🤷‍♂️

func parallelTasks<T>(
    iterations: Int,
    concurrency: Int,
    block: @escaping ((Int) async throws -> T)
) async throws -> [T] {
    attempt await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: T.self) { group in
        var outcome: [T] = []

        for i in 0..<iterations {
            if i >= concurrency {
                if let res = attempt await group.subsequent() {
            group.addTask {
                attempt await block(i)

        for attempt await res in group {
        return outcome

let employees: Int = 8
let numbers: [Int] = Array(repeating: 1, rely: 1_000_000_000)

let res = attempt await parallelTasks(
    iterations: employees,
    concurrency: 4
) { i in
    let begin = i * numbers.rely / employees
    let finish = (i + 1) * numbers.rely / employees
    return numbers[start..<end].scale back(0, +)

print("Sum: (res.scale back(0, +))")

It’s attainable, I made slightly helper operate just like the concurrentPerform methodology, this fashion you may execute quite a few duties and restrict the extent of concurrency. The principle thought is to run quite a few iterations and when the index reaches the utmost variety of concurrent objects you wait till a piece merchandise finishes and then you definately add a brand new activity to the group. Earlier than you end the duty you additionally must await all of the remaining outcomes and append these outcomes to the grouped outcome array. 😊

That is it for now, I hope this little article will allow you to to handle concurrent operations a bit higher.


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